The 3rd China (Shenzhen) Innovation & Entrepreneurship International Competition will be officially launched on December 1st, 2018.

from clipboard Competition Introduction

In order to implement the State Council's "The development plan for Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area", to develop and build a vibrant world-class urban agglomeration, to enhance the international competitiveness of great bay area, to promote a higher level of international cooperation, and inject fresh vitality into the transformation and innovation of the industrial structure in the great bay area, Zhuhai Blooming Cup Applied 5G & Smart City Competition was officially launched in April 2019. The competition will be organized by Zhuhai Chiefdata Lab and Shenzhen CRI Innovation Center. Projects related to intelligent cities with 5G tech from various industries, enterprises, scientific research institutes, universities, teams and individuals worldwide are welcome to apply. Outstanding projects will get access to the Blooming Cup 5G competition final, 10+ venture capitals and 1M USD research funding.

from clipboard Organizer
  • Ministry of Industry and Information Technology
  • China Mobile Communications Group Guangdong Co., Ltd. Zhuhai Branch
  • Zhuhai Chiefdata Lab
  • Shenzhen CRI Innovation Center
from clipboard Address & Date
Address: Zhuhai Opera, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China Date: Sep 6th, 2019
from clipboard Schedule
Activities Date
Preparation Apr, 2019
Open for application May & Jun, 2019
Review & Training Jul & Aug, 2019
Pitch in Zhuhai Sep 6th, 2019
from clipboard For winner
  1. 1. Direct access to the Blooming Cup Final(Top three teams)
  2. 2. Direct access to Zhuhai "Talent Plan"
  3. 3. Get connected with 10+ venture capital including (Shenzhen CRI innovation center, Tsingyuan Ventures, Kaiying Capital, Xunfei Capital, CICC Qianhai, Fortune Link, Lime Capital, Zhuhai High-tech Zone Industry Guidance Fund).
from clipboard Travel Package

1. All the transportation fee (up to 6000 RMB per person) and accommodation expenses will be covered.
2. The maximum number of travel packages we provideto each team is two, core team member will be the expected person who should take this package.

from clipboard Application
For all the applicant, all the information below must be included in your business plan.
  1. 1. Introduction of Team (Education background, Major academic achievements)
  2. 2. Introduction of key tech (Patents, Papers)
  3. 3. Introduction of key product (Research pipeline, Market size, Competition status)
  4. 4. Funding History (Time, Amount, Capital involved)
  1. Mr. Zhang: 18565800273 、
  2. Ms. Lin: 13662609269 、